Earlier this year, i had the sudden interest in shooting on film again. In this roll of negative film which had lasted me about almost a year, always kept in my trusty camera. Once in a while i would bring this German made camera out for a walk to capture some of the most priceless moments. About a year pass-by, the final frame in this roll of film is now ready to be developed. It is all about the surprise that you may or may not know what you will capture on film or how it turns out to be.
Preparing for a play

His first cook (My cousin & aunt)

As for some, photos are just photograph that are for fun in snap shot. But others may have a different point of view, i am one of them. They are more then just any photos, but a moment capture to perfection, an event you may not ever see again, a documentary of a life that grow so fast that you may just share a tear with a photograph. As watches are called time pieces, if you care for it well enough, they will last you a life time looking the same. But not a photograph, once destroy or lack of the care this priceless time pieces maybe lost for ever.
In the play house (My nephew & niece)

Tunnel jam

In this 21st century we are living in now, photography somehow became digital, even a camera became hi-tech. Nowadays we could even restore old photographs back to new, as if they were just taken today. However, the tradition of photography seems started to vanish into the 21st century technological black hole.
Paper work

New attraction